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Day old chicks (one day - two weeks old). This is an auto- sexing breed, so you can tell who is a boy or girl as soon as it is born 😀.


Cream Legbars are a fantastic homestead breed. They are fun, energetic, curious, and friendly. 😀. The females are great egg layers. They lay beautiful blue eggs.


If you cannot have roosters then you came to the right place!


Price does increase for females/pullets only.


🐣 Juveniles (coop ready 6 weeks old ) - Pricing depends on age of bird.

Don’t forget your roosters! Contact us for availability.



Started Pullets (females 3-4 months old) are $40.00+ depending on age. Pullets will be posted in the Pullet section of the online store. The will also be posted on Facebook farm page first come first serve. No holds without payment. Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date notifications 😍. Contact us for availability.








Once a bird leaves our property there is no guarantee. We make sure our birds are healthy before they leave our farm. Unfortunately, we are not able to control the environment of their new home.

Cream Legbar chicks -Please read description

SKU: CLB0004
Hatching Now!! If unable to fulfill your order we are happy to refund you or substitute with another chick.
  • This is for a day old - one week old chick.

    Local Pick up only at this time.

    Shipping Coming Soon!!

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