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Midget White Turkeys are a Heritage breed that was developed in the 1960s. They are a cross between a Broad Breasted White Turkey and a Royal Palm.

They are very people oriented and like lots of attention. Very sweet and docile. Some even like to be hugged!

The Toms are approximately 20 pounds when full grown. The Hens range from 10-12 pounds. They lay approximately 80 eggs/year 🤍

🤍 They are very rare and currently on the watch list for The Livestock Conservancy.

Turkey poults (chicks) are sold UNSEXED, straight run.

You can usually tell male from female around 2 months of age.

🔹if you are looking for a Jenny (female) the price will range from $30+. Depending on age.

Don’t forget about Jakes (young male). We will have them available too.

🔹Toms and Hens (if available) will be posted FIRST COME FIRST SERVE on our Facebook Farm page. Please follow us for the most up to date information 😀

Midget White Turkeys Poults (chicks)

Out of Stock
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